Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012

ImPress by Broadway Nails

I really love nicely shaped gel nails BUT since i work a lot with my fingers, gel nails aren't very beneficial. i always get dirty fingernails or a  nail breaks....thats why i always keep my nails short and they just look aweful =(
buuuuut i really wanted nice nails for my jobs and for partys.

i found the PERFECT alternative for my problem.

Press on nails from broadway nails. they are ready to wear and easy to apply and have awesome designs. There is also a blank version to use your own nailpolish. oh and...they are re-useable =)
istn't that fu***** awesome?

the sizes of the nails are perfect...not too big and not too long.
they stick pretty good but i would carry a small nail glue in my handbag just in case a nail falls off ;)
you can get them on ebay or e.g.

oh and sorry for the bad quality of the pictures...still figuring out how it turns out the best ;)

Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012

Lime Crime Cosmetics

One of my favorite Brands at the moment is
Their lipsticks have awesome colors and great textures, just as the nail polishes and lipglosses. The eyeshadows are from great quality and high pigmented. The best thing is...they are vegan and cruelty free. U have to order it online from the states but its definately worth it!!!
Go check them out!!!!

Trend Watch - Bold Lips and Colored Mascara

 I absolutely ADORE blues, greens and dark purples on the lips. Its nothing for everyone but u will definately get a lot of attention rocking those cool shades. I'm kind of tired of normal red lips and i think these lipsticks are great to wear during fall and winter.
I got two blues from the Inglot Pacific  Blue Collection ( Nr.292 and Nr. 289) and two from Illamasqua in Apocalyps and Kontrol, a teal greenish one and a matt, medium dark purple.
I will post pics and swatches of them soon!

 I've never been a big fan of colored mascaras but i must say that they have definately improved A LOT and u can finally see the color on ur lashes which looks fuckin awesome. Even the cheap drugstore mascaras are very color intense. Already got a blue which looks awesome on blue eyes. i will also post some pics and swatches soon.

Montag, 17. September 2012

Hair Trend Fall/Winter 2012

Its all about the accessories this fall. Jewelled braids and head bands with big crystals and gold are the must haves. Glamour is finally coming back and I'm excited to try it out. I will post a DIY Turorial for these braids and a head band in the next few days. We need definately more BLING during the coming winter ;D

Donnerstag, 13. September 2012

Shop Watch - Fräulein Glitter

I was at the wonderful housewarming party of Fräuein Glitter, with my friend Danni from Pinup-Fashion-Magazin A beautiful little and unique Shop in the heart of Friedrichshain, Berlin. Full of the finest selection of Vintage and Second Hand Fashion and Accessories for affordable Prices. 
Owner of that heaven is Zora Jurenkova, who is also member of the Teaserettes, a well known Burlesque Group of beautiful and talented Girls.
We were welcomed by sparkling wine and good music. After inspecting all the beautiful clothes, sunglasses, hats and handbags we also got to see beautiful Rosie Riot with a great burlesque performance.

The Showroom is lovingly designed and very detailed with lots of cute furniture and awesome looking mannequins.
Its definately worth checkin this great shop out!!!

Awesome Finds - Piercings and Plugs

I was bored of the regular piercing jewelery and looking for a bit more bling and classy stuff. i came across an AWESOME AWESOME!! Piercing Manufacture in Los Angeles which makes the most beautiful Pieces i've seen so far. They are a Wholesale manufactures so u need ur favorite Piercing Shop to order for you or u can ask directly if they can help u with a seller. The Prices are not quite cheap but definately worth it!!!! I'm especially STUNNED by the cool Septums they make. I will definately order one in the soon future.
Check out their catalogue on their website!

I also found a Plug Designer on Etsy who makes adorable and unique plugs for affordable prices. The pieces are definately more girly and look like you are wearing normal earrings. I gonna place my order as soon as i can ;)

Montag, 27. August 2012

Nail Rock Klebefolien

Klebefolien für Nägel.....hört sich eigentlich sehr simpel und einfach an aber aufgepasst......
Nichts für Grobmotorige!!!!!

Nachdem wohl schon die ganze Welt diese Folien aussprobiert  hat (nur ich nicht) kam glücklicherweise meine Freundin Danni von Pin Up Fashion mit den Nail Rock Folien vorbei.
Erster Gedanke nach dem Auspacken....Seit wann haben Menschen so große Nägel????
Egaaaaaal....ran an den Speck.
Nach ca einer Minute hatte ich die erste Folie meiner Freundin aufgeklebt, zurechtgeschnippelt und mehr schlecht wie recht mit der mitgelieferten Feile zurechtgefeilt. Uns wurde klar, dass das definitiv NICHT die schnelle Variante für schöne Nägel ist.
Inhalt der Packung
- 10 Nagelfolien in verschiedenen ( RIESIGEN!) Größen
- Tuch zum entfetten ( ACHTUNG: sofort benutzen, nachdem man es aufgemacht hat. Es trocknet sehr schnell aus)
- Rosenholz um die Nagelhaut wegzuschieben
- kleine Feile
- Anleitung

Wie wirds gemacht?
1. Nagel entfetten
2. Nagelfolie evtl. zurecht schneiden, mittig aufkleben und nach außen hin streichen
3. Nagelspitzen feilen

- Folie klebt sehr fest
- ein absoluter Hingucker
- viele tolle Muster
- Glänzt schön

- schlägt Falten
- Die Nagelspitzen kratzen und man bleibt hängen ( besonders bei Strumpfhosen aufpassen!!!!)
- man braucht viel Übung um sich das selbst zu kleben


Nach kurzer Eingewöhnungszeit merkt man die Folien überhaupt nicht mehr auf den Nägeln. Trotz der kleinen Falten ist es ein toller Hingucker z.B für Partys oder auch Shootings. Es gibt viele tolle Muster, die man mit Nagellack einfach nicht hinbekommt. Vielleicht ein Tip für das nächste Mal: Die Folien mit einem Nagelknipser oder einen sanfteren Feile zurechtfeilen, so dass nicht so viele kleine Ecken und Kanten entstehen.

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